Dong Quai 

(Angelica sinensis)


This is a vital herb used by Chinese medicine practitioners as a treatment for several gynaecological complaints. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this herb is characterised as sweet, acrid, bitter, and warm.

How It May Benefit You...

  • menstrual irregularity, lack of menstruation, or painful menstruation.

  • menopausal symptoms

  • stabbing pain, pain caused by traumatic injury.

  • poor blood circulation, pale complexion, possible anaemia.

  • carbuncles that, according to traditional Chinese medicine, arise from stagnant blood;

  • abscesses; sores.

  • light-headedness, blurred vision, heart palpitations.


Should not be used during pregnancy or when you have excessive bleeding during your period.

WARNING:    Herbs should only be used under the supervision of an experienced herbalist or naturopath experienced in herbs.


This root is widely available in tablet form.